/* * @name BeautyTips * @desc a tooltips/baloon-help plugin for jQuery * * @author Jeff Robbins - Lullabot - http://www.lullabot.com * @version 0.9.5 release candidate 1 (5/20/2009) */ jQuery.bt = {version: '0.9.5-rc1'}; /* * @type jQuery * @cat Plugins/bt * @requires jQuery v1.2+ (not tested on versions prior to 1.2.6) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Encourage development. If you use BeautyTips for anything cool * or on a site that people have heard of, please drop me a note. * - jeff ^at lullabot > com * * No guarantees, warranties, or promises of any kind * */ ;(function($) { /** * @credit Inspired by Karl Swedberg's ClueTip * (http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/), which in turn was inspired * by Cody Lindley's jTip (http://www.codylindley.com) * * @fileoverview * Beauty Tips is a jQuery tooltips plugin which uses the canvas drawing element * in the HTML5 spec in order to dynamically draw tooltip "talk bubbles" around * the descriptive help text associated with an item. This is in many ways * similar to Google Maps which both provides similar talk-bubbles and uses the * canvas element to draw them. * * The canvas element is supported in modern versions of FireFox, Safari, and * Opera. However, Internet Explorer needs a separate library called ExplorerCanvas * included on the page in order to support canvas drawing functions. ExplorerCanvas * was created by Google for use with their web apps and you can find it here: * http://excanvas.sourceforge.net/ * * Beauty Tips was written to be simple to use and pretty. All of its options * are documented at the bottom of this file and defaults can be overwritten * globally for the entire page, or individually on each call. * * By default each tooltip will be positioned on the side of the target element * which has the most free space. This is affected by the scroll position and * size of the current window, so each Beauty Tip is redrawn each time it is * displayed. It may appear above an element at the bottom of the page, but when * the page is scrolled down (and the element is at the top of the page) it will * then appear below it. Additionally, positions can be forced or a preferred * order can be defined. See examples below. * * To fix z-index problems in IE6, include the bgiframe plugin on your page * http://plugins.jquery.com/project/bgiframe - BeautyTips will automatically * recognize it and use it. * * BeautyTips also works with the hoverIntent plugin * http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html * see hoverIntent example below for usage * * Usage * The function can be called in a number of ways. * $(selector).bt(); * $(selector).bt('Content text'); * $(selector).bt('Content text', {option1: value, option2: value}); * $(selector).bt({option1: value, option2: value}); * * For more/better documentation and lots of examples, visit the demo page included with the distribution * */ jQuery.fn.bt = function(content, options) { if (typeof content != 'string') { var contentSelect = true; options = content; content = false; } else { var contentSelect = false; } // if hoverIntent is installed, use that as default instead of hover if (jQuery.fn.hoverIntent && jQuery.bt.defaults.trigger == 'hover') { jQuery.bt.defaults.trigger = 'hoverIntent'; } // Solução implementada para enquadrar imagens no componente de Help Online. $('body').append('
'); return this.each(function(index) { var opts = jQuery.extend(false, jQuery.bt.defaults, jQuery.bt.options, options); // clean up the options opts.spikeLength = numb(opts.spikeLength); opts.spikeGirth = numb(opts.spikeGirth); opts.overlap = numb(opts.overlap); var ajaxTimeout = false; /** * This is sort of the "starting spot" for the this.each() * These are the init functions to handle the .bt() call */ if (opts.killTitle) { $(this).find('[title]').andSelf().each(function() { if (!$(this).attr('bt-xTitle')) { $(this).attr('bt-xTitle', $(this).attr('title')).attr('title', ''); } }); } if (typeof opts.trigger == 'string') { opts.trigger = [opts.trigger]; } if (opts.trigger[0] == 'hoverIntent') { var hoverOpts = jQuery.extend(opts.hoverIntentOpts, { over: function() { this.btOn(); }, out: function() { this.btOff(); }}); $(this).hoverIntent(hoverOpts); } else if (opts.trigger[0] == 'hover') { $(this).hover( function() { this.btOn(); }, function() { this.btOff(); } ); } else if (opts.trigger[0] == 'now') { // toggle the on/off right now // note that 'none' gives more control (see below) if ($(this).hasClass('bt-active')) { this.btOff(); } else { this.btOn(); } } else if (opts.trigger[0] == 'none') { // initialize the tip with no event trigger // use javascript to turn on/off tip as follows: // $('#selector').btOn(); // $('#selector').btOff(); } else if (opts.trigger.length > 1 && opts.trigger[0] != opts.trigger[1]) { $(this) .bind(opts.trigger[0], function() { this.btOn(); }) .bind(opts.trigger[1], function() { this.btOff(); }); } else { // toggle using the same event $(this).bind(opts.trigger[0], function() { if ($(this).hasClass('bt-active')) { this.btOff(); } else { this.btOn(); } }); } /** * The BIG TURN ON * Any element that has been initiated */ this.btOn = function () { if (typeof $(this).data('bt-box') == 'object') { // if there's already a popup, remove it before creating a new one. this.btOff(); } // trigger preBuild function // preBuild has no argument since the box hasn't been built yet opts.preBuild.apply(this); // turn off other tips $(jQuery.bt.vars.closeWhenOpenStack).btOff(); // add the class to the target element (for hilighting, for example) // bt-active is always applied to all, but activeClass can apply another $(this).addClass('bt-active ' + opts.activeClass); if (contentSelect && opts.ajaxPath == null) { // bizarre, I know if (opts.killTitle) { // if we've killed the title attribute, it's been stored in 'bt-xTitle' so get it.. $(this).attr('title', $(this).attr('bt-xTitle')); } // then evaluate the selector... title is now in place content = $.isFunction(opts.contentSelector) ? opts.contentSelector.apply(this) : eval(opts.contentSelector); if (opts.killTitle) { // now remove the title again, so we don't get double tips $(this).attr('title', ''); } } // ---------------------------------------------- // All the Ajax(ish) stuff is in this next bit... // ---------------------------------------------- if (opts.ajaxPath != null && content == false) { if (typeof opts.ajaxPath == 'object') { var url = eval(opts.ajaxPath[0]); url += opts.ajaxPath[1] ? ' ' + opts.ajaxPath[1] : ''; } else { var url = opts.ajaxPath; } var off = url.indexOf(" "); if ( off >= 0 ) { var selector = url.slice(off, url.length); url = url.slice(0, off); } // load any data cached for the given ajax path var cacheData = opts.ajaxCache ? $(document.body).data('btCache-' + url.replace(/\./g, '')) : null; if (typeof cacheData == 'string') { content = selector ? $("
").append(cacheData.replace(//g, "")).find(selector) : cacheData; } else { var target = this; // set up the options var ajaxOpts = jQuery.extend(false, { type: opts.ajaxType, data: opts.ajaxData, cache: opts.ajaxCache, url: url, complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { if (textStatus == 'success' || textStatus == 'notmodified') { if (opts.ajaxCache) { $(document.body).data('btCache-' + url.replace(/\./g, ''), XMLHttpRequest.responseText); } ajaxTimeout = false; content = selector ? // Create a dummy div to hold the results $("
") // inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts // to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE .append(XMLHttpRequest.responseText.replace(//g, "")) // Locate the specified elements .find(selector) : // If not, just inject the full result XMLHttpRequest.responseText; } else { if (textStatus == 'timeout') { // if there was a timeout, we don't cache the result ajaxTimeout = true; } content = opts.ajaxError.replace(/%error/g, XMLHttpRequest.statusText); } // if the user rolls out of the target element before the ajax request comes back, don't show it if ($(target).hasClass('bt-active')) { target.btOn(); } } }, opts.ajaxOpts); // do the ajax request jQuery.ajax(ajaxOpts); // load the throbber while the magic happens content = opts.ajaxLoading; } } // // now we start actually figuring out where to place the tip // figure out how to compensate for the shadow, if present var shadowMarginX = 0; // extra added to width to compensate for shadow var shadowMarginY = 0; // extra added to height var shadowShiftX = 0; // amount to shift the tip horizontally to allow for shadow var shadowShiftY = 0; // amount to shift vertical if (opts.shadow && !shadowSupport()) { // if browser doesn't support drop shadows, turn them off opts.shadow = false; // and bring in the noShadows options jQuery.extend(opts, opts.noShadowOpts); } if (opts.shadow) { // figure out horizontal placement if (opts.shadowBlur > Math.abs(opts.shadowOffsetX)) { shadowMarginX = opts.shadowBlur * 2; } else { shadowMarginX = opts.shadowBlur + Math.abs(opts.shadowOffsetX); } shadowShiftX = (opts.shadowBlur - opts.shadowOffsetX) > 0 ? opts.shadowBlur - opts.shadowOffsetX : 0; // now vertical if (opts.shadowBlur > Math.abs(opts.shadowOffsetY)) { shadowMarginY = opts.shadowBlur * 2; } else { shadowMarginY = opts.shadowBlur + Math.abs(opts.shadowOffsetY); } shadowShiftY = (opts.shadowBlur - opts.shadowOffsetY) > 0 ? opts.shadowBlur - opts.shadowOffsetY : 0; } if (opts.offsetParent){ // if offsetParent is defined by user var offsetParent = $(opts.offsetParent); var offsetParentPos = offsetParent.offset(); var pos = $(this).offset(); var top = numb(pos.top) - numb(offsetParentPos.top) + numb($(this).css('margin-top')) - shadowShiftY; // IE can return 'auto' for margins var left = numb(pos.left) - numb(offsetParentPos.left) + numb($(this).css('margin-left')) - shadowShiftX; } else { // if the target element is absolutely positioned, use its parent's offsetParent instead of its own var offsetParent = ($(this).css('position') == 'absolute') ? $(this).parents().eq(0).offsetParent() : $(this).offsetParent(); var pos = $(this).btPosition(); var top = numb(pos.top) + numb($(this).css('margin-top')) - shadowShiftY; // IE can return 'auto' for margins var left = numb(pos.left) + numb($(this).css('margin-left')) - shadowShiftX; } var width = $(this).btOuterWidth(); var height = $(this).outerHeight(); if (typeof content == 'object') { // if content is a DOM object (as opposed to text) // use a clone, rather than removing the original element // and ensure that it's visible var original = content; var clone = $(original).clone(true).show(); // also store a reference to the original object in the clone data // and a reference to the clone in the original var origClones = $(original).data('bt-clones') || []; origClones.push(clone); $(original).data('bt-clones', origClones); $(clone).data('bt-orig', original); $(this).data('bt-content-orig', {original: original, clone: clone}); content = clone; } if (typeof content == 'null' || content == '') { // if content is empty, bail out... return; } // create the tip content div, populate it, and style it var $text = $('
').append(content).css({padding: opts.padding, position: 'absolute', width: (opts.shrinkToFit ? 'auto' : opts.width), zIndex: opts.textzIndex, left: shadowShiftX, top: shadowShiftY}).css(opts.cssStyles); // create the wrapping box which contains text and canvas // put the content in it, style it, and append it to the same offset parent as the target var $box = $('
').append($text).addClass(opts.cssClass).css({position: 'absolute', width: opts.width, zIndex: opts.wrapperzIndex, visibility:'hidden'}).appendTo(offsetParent); // use bgiframe to get around z-index problems in IE6 // http://plugins.jquery.com/project/bgiframe if (jQuery.fn.bgiframe) { $text.bgiframe(); $box.bgiframe(); } $(this).data('bt-box', $box); if($text.outerHeight()>opts.maxHeight){ $text.css({height:opts.maxHeight, overflow: 'scroll'}); } // see if the text box will fit in the various positions var scrollTop = numb($(document).scrollTop()); var scrollLeft = numb($(document).scrollLeft()); var docWidth = numb($(window).width()); var docHeight = numb($(window).height()); var winRight = scrollLeft + docWidth; var winBottom = scrollTop + docHeight; var space = new Object(); var thisOffset = $(this).offset(); space.top = thisOffset.top - scrollTop; space.bottom = docHeight - ((thisOffset + height) - scrollTop); space.left = thisOffset.left - scrollLeft; space.right = docWidth - ((thisOffset.left + width) - scrollLeft); var textOutHeight = numb($text.outerHeight()); var textOutWidth = numb($text.btOuterWidth()); if (opts.positions.constructor == String) { opts.positions = opts.positions.replace(/ /, '').split(','); } if (opts.positions[0] == 'most') { // figure out which is the largest var position = 'top'; // prime the pump for (var pig in space) { // <------- pigs in space! position = space[pig] > space[position] ? pig : position; } } else { for (var x in opts.positions) { var position = opts.positions[x]; // @todo: acommodate shadow space in the following lines... if ((position == 'left' || position == 'right') && space[position] > textOutWidth + opts.spikeLength) { break; } else if ((position == 'top' || position == 'bottom') && space[position] > textOutHeight + opts.spikeLength) { break; } } } // horizontal (left) offset for the box var horiz = left + ((width - textOutWidth) * .5); // vertical (top) offset for the box var vert = top + ((height - textOutHeight) * .5); var points = new Array(); var textTop, textLeft, textRight, textBottom, textTopSpace, textBottomSpace, textLeftSpace, textRightSpace, crossPoint, textCenter, spikePoint; // Yes, yes, this next bit really could use to be condensed // each switch case is basically doing the same thing in slightly different ways switch(position) { // =================== TOP ======================= case 'top': // spike on bottom $text.css('margin-bottom', opts.spikeLength + 'px'); $box.css({top: (top - $text.outerHeight(true)) + opts.overlap, left: horiz}); // move text left/right if extends out of window textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.btOuterWidth(true)); var xShift = shadowShiftX; if (textRightSpace < 0) { // shift it left $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px'); xShift -= textRightSpace; } // we test left space second to ensure that left of box is visible textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'))) - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin); if (textLeftSpace < 0) { // shift it right $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px'); xShift += textLeftSpace; } textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top')); textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')); textRight = textLeft + $text.btOuterWidth(); textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight(); textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.btOuterWidth()*opts.centerPointX), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()*opts.centerPointY)}; // points[points.length] = {x: x, y: y}; points[points.length] = spikePoint = {y: textBottom + opts.spikeLength, x: ((textRight-textLeft) * .5) + xShift, type: 'spike'}; crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textBottom); // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x; crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.CornerRadius : crossPoint.x; points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // left bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // left top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // right top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textBottom, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = spikePoint; break; // =================== LEFT ======================= case 'left': // spike on right $text.css('margin-right', opts.spikeLength + 'px'); $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left - $text.btOuterWidth(true)) + opts.overlap) + 'px'}); // move text up/down if extends out of window textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true)); var yShift = shadowShiftY; if (textBottomSpace < 0) { // shift it up $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px'); yShift -= textBottomSpace; } // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin); if (textTopSpace < 0) { // shift it down $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px'); yShift += textTopSpace; } textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top')); textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')); textRight = textLeft + $text.btOuterWidth(); textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight(); textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.btOuterWidth()*opts.centerPointX), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()*opts.centerPointY)}; points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: textRight + opts.spikeLength, y: ((textBottom-textTop) * .5) + yShift, type: 'spike'}; crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textRight); // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y; crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y; points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // left bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // left top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // right top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = spikePoint; break; // =================== BOTTOM ======================= case 'bottom': // spike on top $text.css('margin-top', opts.spikeLength + 'px'); $box.css({top: (top + height) - opts.overlap, left: horiz}); // move text up/down if extends out of window textRightSpace = (winRight - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().left + $text.btOuterWidth(true)); var xShift = shadowShiftX; if (textRightSpace < 0) { // shift it left $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + textRightSpace) + 'px'); xShift -= textRightSpace; } // we ensure left space second to ensure that left of box is visible textLeftSpace = ($text.offset().left + numb($text.css('margin-left'))) - (scrollLeft + opts.windowMargin); if (textLeftSpace < 0) { // shift it right $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - textLeftSpace) + 'px'); xShift += textLeftSpace; } textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top')); textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')); textRight = textLeft + $text.btOuterWidth(); textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight(); textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.btOuterWidth()*opts.centerPointX), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()*opts.centerPointY)}; points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: ((textRight-textLeft) * .5) + xShift, y: shadowShiftY, type: 'spike'}; crossPoint = findIntersectX(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textTop); // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x < textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textLeft + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x; crossPoint.x = crossPoint.x > (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textRight - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.x; points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x + opts.spikeGirth/2, y: textTop, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // right top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // left bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // left top corner points[points.length] = {x: crossPoint.x - (opts.spikeGirth/2), y: textTop, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = spikePoint; break; // =================== RIGHT ======================= case 'right': // spike on left $text.css('margin-left', (opts.spikeLength + 'px')); $box.css({top: vert + 'px', left: ((left + width) - opts.overlap) + 'px'}); // move text up/down if extends out of window textBottomSpace = (winBottom - opts.windowMargin) - ($text.offset().top + $text.outerHeight(true)); var yShift = shadowShiftY; if (textBottomSpace < 0) { // shift it up $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + textBottomSpace) + 'px'); yShift -= textBottomSpace; } // we ensure top space second to ensure that top of box is visible textTopSpace = ($text.offset().top + numb($text.css('margin-top'))) - (scrollTop + opts.windowMargin); if (textTopSpace < 0) { // shift it down $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - textTopSpace) + 'px'); yShift += textTopSpace; } textTop = $text.btPosition().top + numb($text.css('margin-top')); textLeft = $text.btPosition().left + numb($text.css('margin-left')); textRight = textLeft + $text.btOuterWidth(); textBottom = textTop + $text.outerHeight(); textCenter = {x: textLeft + ($text.btOuterWidth()*opts.centerPointX), y: textTop + ($text.outerHeight()*opts.centerPointY)}; points[points.length] = spikePoint = {x: shadowShiftX, y: ((textBottom-textTop) * .5) + yShift, type: 'spike'}; crossPoint = findIntersectY(spikePoint.x, spikePoint.y, textCenter.x, textCenter.y, textLeft); // make sure that the crossPoint is not outside of text box boundaries crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y < textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius ? textTop + opts.spikeGirth/2 + opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y; crossPoint.y = crossPoint.y > (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius ? (textBottom - opts.spikeGirth/2) - opts.cornerRadius : crossPoint.y; points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y - opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // left top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textTop, type: 'corner'}; // right top corner points[points.length] = {x: textRight, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // right bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: textBottom, type: 'corner'}; // left bottom corner points[points.length] = {x: textLeft, y: crossPoint.y + opts.spikeGirth/2, type: 'join'}; points[points.length] = spikePoint; break; } // var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); $(canvas).attr('width', (numb($text.btOuterWidth(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2 + shadowMarginX)).attr('height', (numb($text.outerHeight(true)) + opts.strokeWidth*2 + shadowMarginY)).appendTo($box).css({position: 'absolute', zIndex: opts.boxzIndex}); // if excanvas is set up, we need to initialize the new canvas element if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined') { canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); } if (opts.cornerRadius > 0) { // round the corners! var newPoints = new Array(); var newPoint; for (var i=0; i 0) { $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) - (opts.shadowOffsetX + opts.shadowBlur - shadowOverlap))); } break; case 'right': if (shadowShiftX - shadowOverlap > 0) { $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) + shadowShiftX - shadowOverlap)); } break; case 'bottom': if (shadowShiftY - shadowOverlap > 0) { $box.css('top', (numb($box.css('top')) + shadowShiftY - shadowOverlap)); } break; case 'left': if (opts.shadowOffsetY + opts.shadowBlur - shadowOverlap > 0) { $box.css('left', (numb($box.css('left')) - (opts.shadowOffsetY + opts.shadowBlur - shadowOverlap))); } break; } } drawIt.apply(ctx, [points], opts.strokeWidth); ctx.fillStyle = opts.fill; if (opts.shadow) { ctx.shadowOffsetX = opts.shadowOffsetX; ctx.shadowOffsetY = opts.shadowOffsetY; ctx.shadowBlur = opts.shadowBlur; ctx.shadowColor = opts.shadowColor; } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); if (opts.strokeWidth > 0) { ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'; //remove shadow from stroke ctx.lineWidth = opts.strokeWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = opts.strokeStyle; ctx.beginPath(); drawIt.apply(ctx, [points], opts.strokeWidth); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } // trigger preShow function // function receives the box element (the balloon wrapper div) as an argument opts.preShow.apply(this, [$box[0]]); // switch from visibility: hidden to display: none so we can run animations $box.css({display:'none', visibility: 'visible'}); // Here's where we show the tip opts.showTip.apply(this, [$box[0]]); if (opts.overlay) { // EXPERIMENTAL AND FOR TESTING ONLY!!!! var overlay = $('
').css({ position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: 'blue', top: top, left: left, width: width, height: height, opacity: '.2' }).appendTo(offsetParent); $(this).data('overlay', overlay); } if ((opts.ajaxPath != null && opts.ajaxCache == false) || ajaxTimeout) { // if ajaxCache is not enabled or if there was a server timeout, // remove the content variable so it will be loaded again from server content = false; } // stick this element into the clickAnywhereToClose stack if (opts.clickAnywhereToClose) { jQuery.bt.vars.clickAnywhereStack.push(this); $(document).click(jQuery.bt.docClick); } // stick this element into the closeWhenOthersOpen stack if (opts.closeWhenOthersOpen) { jQuery.bt.vars.closeWhenOpenStack.push(this); } // trigger postShow function // function receives the box element (the balloon wrapper div) as an argument opts.postShow.apply(this, [$box[0]]); }; // this.btOff = function() { var box = $(this).data('bt-box'); // trigger preHide function // function receives the box element (the balloon wrapper div) as an argument opts.preHide.apply(this, [box]); var i = this; // set up the stuff to happen AFTER the tip is hidden i.btCleanup = function(){ var box = $(i).data('bt-box'); var contentOrig = $(i).data('bt-content-orig'); var overlay = $(i).data('bt-overlay'); if (typeof box == 'object') { $(box).remove(); $(i).removeData('bt-box'); } if (typeof contentOrig == 'object') { var clones = $(contentOrig.original).data('bt-clones'); $(contentOrig).data('bt-clones', arrayRemove(clones, contentOrig.clone)); } if (typeof overlay == 'object') { $(overlay).remove(); $(i).removeData('bt-overlay'); } // remove this from the stacks jQuery.bt.vars.clickAnywhereStack = arrayRemove(jQuery.bt.vars.clickAnywhereStack, i); jQuery.bt.vars.closeWhenOpenStack = arrayRemove(jQuery.bt.vars.closeWhenOpenStack, i); // remove the 'bt-active' and activeClass classes from target $(i).removeClass('bt-active ' + opts.activeClass); // trigger postHide function // no box argument since it has been removed from the DOM opts.postHide.apply(i); } opts.hideTip.apply(this, [box, i.btCleanup]); }; // var refresh = this.btRefresh = function() { this.btOff(); this.btOn(); }; }); // function drawIt(points, strokeWidth) { this.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (i=1;i /** * For odd stroke widths, round to the nearest .5 pixel to avoid antialiasing * http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors */ function round5(num, strokeWidth) { var ret; strokeWidth = numb(strokeWidth); if (strokeWidth%2) { ret = num; } else { ret = Math.round(num - .5) + .5; } return ret; }; // /** * Ensure that a number is a number... or zero */ function numb(num) { return parseInt(num) || 0; }; // /** * Remove an element from an array */ function arrayRemove(arr, elem) { var x, newArr = new Array(); for (x in arr) { if (arr[x] != elem) { newArr.push(arr[x]); } } return newArr; }; // /** * Does the current browser support canvas? * This is a variation of http://code.google.com/p/browser-canvas-support/ */ function canvasSupport() { var canvas_compatible = false; try { canvas_compatible = !!(document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d')); // S60 } catch(e) { canvas_compatible = !!(document.createElement('canvas').getContext); // IE } return canvas_compatible; } /** * Does the current browser support canvas drop shadows? */ function shadowSupport() { // to test for drop shadow support in the current browser, uncomment the next line // return true; // until a good feature-detect is found, we have to look at user agents try { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (/webkit/.test(userAgent)) { // WebKit.. let's go! return true; } else if (/gecko|mozilla/.test(userAgent) && parseFloat(userAgent.match(/firefox\/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/)[1]) >= 3.1){ // Mozilla 3.1 or higher return true; } } catch(err) { // if there's an error, just keep going, we'll assume that drop shadows are not supported } return false; } // /** * Given two points, find a point which is dist pixels from point1 on a line to point2 */ function betweenPoint(point1, point2, dist) { // figure out if we're horizontal or vertical var y, x; if (point1.x == point2.x) { // vertical y = point1.y < point2.y ? point1.y + dist : point1.y - dist; return {x: point1.x, y: y}; } else if (point1.y == point2.y) { // horizontal x = point1.x < point2.x ? point1.x + dist : point1.x - dist; return {x:x, y: point1.y}; } }; // function centerPoint(arcStart, corner, arcEnd) { var x = corner.x == arcStart.x ? arcEnd.x : arcStart.x; var y = corner.y == arcStart.y ? arcEnd.y : arcStart.y; var startAngle, endAngle; if (arcStart.x < arcEnd.x) { if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) { // arc is on upper left startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180; endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90; } else { // arc is on upper right startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*90; endAngle = 0; } } else { if (arcStart.y > arcEnd.y) { // arc is on lower left startAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270; endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*180; } else { // arc is on lower right startAngle = 0; endAngle = (Math.PI/180)*270; } } return {x: x, y: y, type: 'center', startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle}; }; // /** * Find the intersection point of two lines, each defined by two points * arguments are x1, y1 and x2, y2 for r1 (line 1) and r2 (line 2) * It's like an algebra party!!! */ function findIntersect(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1, r2y1, r2x2, r2y2) { if (r2x1 == r2x2) { return findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2x1); } if (r2y1 == r2y2) { return findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, r2y1); } // m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) // <-- how to find the slope // y = mx + b // the 'classic' linear equation // b = y - mx // how to find b (the y-intersect) // x = (y - b)/m // how to find x var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2); var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1); var r2m = (r2y1 - r2y2) / (r2x1 - r2x2); var r2b = r2y1 - (r2m * r2x1); var x = (r2b - r1b) / (r1m - r2m); var y = r1m * x + r1b; return {x: x, y: y}; }; // /** * Find the y intersection point of a line and given x vertical */ function findIntersectY(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, x) { if (r1y1 == r1y2) { return {x: x, y: r1y1}; } var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2); var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1); var y = r1m * x + r1b; return {x: x, y: y}; }; // /** * Find the x intersection point of a line and given y horizontal */ function findIntersectX(r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2, y) { if (r1x1 == r1x2) { return {x: r1x1, y: y}; } var r1m = (r1y1 - r1y2) / (r1x1 - r1x2); var r1b = r1y1 - (r1m * r1x1); // y = mx + b // your old friend, linear equation // x = (y - b)/m // linear equation solved for x var x = (y - r1b) / r1m; return {x: x, y: y}; }; // }; // /** * jQuery's compat.js (used in Drupal's jQuery upgrade module, overrides the $().position() function * this is a copy of that function to allow the plugin to work when compat.js is present * once compat.js is fixed to not override existing functions, this function can be removed * and .btPosion() can be replaced with .position() above... */ jQuery.fn.btPosition = function() { function num(elem, prop) { return elem[0] && parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(elem[0], prop, true), 10 ) || 0; }; var left = 0, top = 0, results; if ( this[0] ) { // Get *real* offsetParent var offsetParent = this.offsetParent(), // Get correct offsets offset = this.offset(), parentOffset = /^body|html$/i.test(offsetParent[0].tagName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset(); // Subtract element margins // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0 offset.top -= num( this, 'marginTop' ); offset.left -= num( this, 'marginLeft' ); // Add offsetParent borders parentOffset.top += num( offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth' ); parentOffset.left += num( offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth' ); // Subtract the two offsets results = { top: offset.top - parentOffset.top, left: offset.left - parentOffset.left }; } return results; }; // /** * jQuery's dimensions.js overrides the $().btOuterWidth() function * this is a copy of original jQuery's outerWidth() function to * allow the plugin to work when dimensions.js is present */ jQuery.fn.btOuterWidth = function(margin) { function num(elem, prop) { return elem[0] && parseInt(jQuery.curCSS(elem[0], prop, true), 10) || 0; }; return this["innerWidth"]() + num(this, "borderLeftWidth") + num(this, "borderRightWidth") + (margin ? num(this, "marginLeft") + num(this, "marginRight") : 0); }; // /** * A convenience function to run btOn() (if available) * for each selected item */ jQuery.fn.btOn = function() { return this.each(function(index){ if (jQuery.isFunction(this.btOn)) { this.btOn(); } }); }; // /** * * A convenience function to run btOff() (if available) * for each selected item */ jQuery.fn.btOff = function() { return this.each(function(index){ if (jQuery.isFunction(this.btOff)) { this.btOff(); } }); }; // jQuery.bt.vars = {clickAnywhereStack: [], closeWhenOpenStack: []}; /** * This function gets bound to the document's click event * It turns off all of the tips in the click-anywhere-to-close stack */ jQuery.bt.docClick = function(e) { if (!e) { var e = window.event; }; // if clicked element is a child of neither a tip NOR a target // and there are tips in the stack if (!$(e.target).parents().andSelf().filter('.bt-wrapper, .bt-active').length && jQuery.bt.vars.clickAnywhereStack.length) { // if clicked element isn't inside tip, close tips in stack $(jQuery.bt.vars.clickAnywhereStack).btOff(); $(document).unbind('click', jQuery.bt.docClick); } }; // /** * Defaults for the beauty tips * * Note this is a variable definition and not a function. So defaults can be * written for an entire page by simply redefining attributes like so: * * jQuery.bt.options.width = 400; * * Be sure to use *jQuery.bt.options* and not jQuery.bt.defaults when overriding * * This would make all Beauty Tips boxes 400px wide. * * Each of these options may also be overridden during * * Can be overriden globally or at time of call. * */ jQuery.bt.defaults = { trigger: 'hover', // trigger to show/hide tip // use [on, off] to define separate on/off triggers // also use space character to allow multiple to trigger // examples: // ['focus', 'blur'] // focus displays, blur hides // 'dblclick' // dblclick toggles on/off // ['focus mouseover', 'blur mouseout'] // multiple triggers // 'now' // shows/hides tip without event // 'none' // use $('#selector').btOn(); and ...btOff(); // 'hoverIntent' // hover using hoverIntent plugin (settings below) // note: // hoverIntent becomes default if available clickAnywhereToClose: true, // clicking anywhere outside of the tip will close it closeWhenOthersOpen: false, // tip will be closed before another opens - stop >= 2 tips being on shrinkToFit: false, // should short single-line content get a narrower balloon? width: '200px', // width of tooltip box maxHeight: 400, // max Height of tooltip box padding: '10px', // padding for content (get more fine grained with cssStyles) spikeGirth: 10, // width of spike spikeLength: 15, // length of spike overlap: 0, // spike overlap (px) onto target (can cause problems with 'hover' trigger) overlay: false, // display overlay on target (use CSS to style) -- BUGGY! killTitle: true, // kill title tags to avoid double tooltips textzIndex: 9999, // z-index for the text boxzIndex: 9998, // z-index for the "talk" box (should always be less than textzIndex) wrapperzIndex: 9997, offsetParent: null, // DOM node to append the tooltip into. // Must be positioned relative or absolute. Can be selector or object positions: ['most'], // preference of positions for tip (will use first with available space) // possible values 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' as an array in order of // preference. Last value will be used if others don't have enough space. // or use 'most' to use the area with the most space fill: "rgb(255, 255, 102)", // fill color for the tooltip box, you can use any CSS-style color definition method // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#numerical - not all methods have been tested windowMargin: 10, // space (px) to leave between text box and browser edge strokeWidth: 1, // width of stroke around box, **set to 0 for no stroke** strokeStyle: "#000", // color/alpha of stroke cornerRadius: 5, // radius of corners (px), set to 0 for square corners // following values are on a scale of 0 to 1 with .5 being centered centerPointX: .5, // the spike extends from center of the target edge to this point centerPointY: .5, // defined by percentage horizontal (x) and vertical (y) shadow: false, // use drop shadow? (only displays in Safari and FF 3.1) - experimental shadowOffsetX: 2, // shadow offset x (px) shadowOffsetY: 2, // shadow offset y (px) shadowBlur: 3, // shadow blur (px) shadowColor: "#000", // shadow color/alpha shadowOverlap: false, // when shadows overlap the target element it can cause problem with hovering // set this to true to overlap or set to a numeric value to define the amount of overlap noShadowOpts: {strokeStyle: '#999'}, // use this to define 'fall-back' options for browsers which don't support drop shadows cssClass: '', // CSS class to add to the box wrapper div (of the TIP) cssStyles: {}, // styles to add the text box // example: {fontFamily: 'Georgia, Times, serif', fontWeight: 'bold'} activeClass: 'bt-active', // class added to TARGET element when its BeautyTip is active contentSelector: "$(this).attr('title')", // if there is no content argument, use this selector to retrieve the title // a function which returns the content may also be passed here ajaxPath: null, // if using ajax request for content, this contains url and (opt) selector // this will override content and contentSelector // examples (see jQuery load() function): // '/demo.html' // '/help/ajax/snip' // '/help/existing/full div#content' // ajaxPath can also be defined as an array // in which case, the first value will be parsed as a jQuery selector // the result of which will be used as the ajaxPath // the second (optional) value is the content selector as above // examples: // ["$(this).attr('href')", 'div#content'] // ["$(this).parents('.wrapper').find('.title').attr('href')"] // ["$('#some-element').val()"] ajaxError: 'ERROR: %error', // error text, use "%error" to insert error from server ajaxLoading: 'Loading...', // yes folks, it's the blink tag! ajaxData: {}, // key/value pairs ajaxType: 'GET', // 'GET' or 'POST' ajaxCache: true, // cache ajax results and do not send request to same url multiple times ajaxOpts: {}, // any other ajax options - timeout, passwords, processing functions, etc... // see http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#options preBuild: function(){}, // function to run before popup is built preShow: function(box){}, // function to run before popup is displayed showTip: function(box){ $(box).show(); }, postShow: function(box){}, // function to run after popup is built and displayed preHide: function(box){}, // function to run before popup is removed hideTip: function(box, callback) { $(box).hide(); callback(); // you MUST call "callback" at the end of your animations }, postHide: function(){}, // function to run after popup is removed hoverIntentOpts: { // options for hoverIntent (if installed) interval: 300, // http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html timeout: 500 } }; // jQuery.bt.options = {}; })(jQuery); // @todo // use larger canvas (extend to edge of page when windowMargin is active) // add options to shift position of tip vert/horiz and position of spike tip // create drawn (canvas) shadows // use overlay to allow overlap with hover // experiment with making tooltip a subelement of the target // handle non-canvas-capable browsers elegantly